Know Your Rights as a Tenant in California

3 Things A Personal Injury Attorney Can Do For You

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If you have been injured and think that you have a case, you can visit a personal injury attorney to see your options. However, you may not understand everything that a personal injury attorney can do about your case. Here is what you need to know.  Evaluate and Investigate The first thing that the attorney is going to do is to investigate and evaluate your case. They will do this by talking to you, looking at any information and documentation that you bring with you, and checking out a few other things involved in your case. Read More»

Just Because You Were Rear-Ended Does Not Mean You Are Not At Fault

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One of the more common types of collisions is those that involve rear-end crashes. Naturally, given the dynamic of this type of accident, it would seem that the person who slams into the car in front of them is at fault. However, while this scenario is common, it is not a fact 100% of the time. Sometimes, the victim is also the negligent party. If you have been hit by another driver, learn about some factors that could leave you liable. Read More»

Reaching Out To A Mortgage Attorney

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Your mortgage is likely your greatest source of debt and is essential for allowing you to purchase a home. Unfortunately, there can be problems with this loan, and if this occurs, it could potentially put your home at risk. Are Mortgage Attorneys Only Useful When Foreclosure Is An Imminent Possibility? Individuals will often assume that they will only need the services of a mortgage attorney if they are facing imminent foreclosure. Read More»

Can A Grandparent Gain Custody In Family Court?

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If you are a grandparent and want to become the guardian of your grandchild, you have many different circumstances in which you may claim custody rights. These cases can be tricky, and you may wonder what kind of circumstances may let you make a child custody claim. Of course even if the child is in a dangerous situation, this does not mean that taking custody is instantaneous. You may need to come to court to prove that you should have custody of your grandchildren. Read More»

How Does Workers' Compensation Differ From A Personal Injury Case?

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If you were injured at work, you might worry if you will receive the compensation you deserve. You might also wonder if you should file a workers’ comp case or a personal injury lawsuit. The truth is that these two types of cases are quite different. This is what you need to know about the two types of cases. You Don’t Have to Prove Fault If you pursue a workers’ compensation case, you do not necessarily have to prove that another party was at fault in the same way you would with a personal injury case. Read More»