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Four Tips For Divorcing With Limited Finances

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Going through a divorce is not only stressful – it can also be an expensive process if you aren’t careful. If you have limited finances as it is, making sure that you can handle the attorney’s fees is just another part of the divorce that you have to try to manage. Here are four tips when it comes to getting through a divorce on a budget. 1. Work Out Payments With Your Divorce Attorney Read More»

3 Challenges Of Medical Malpractice Cases

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If you believe you were a victim of medical malpractice, you may have the right to sue the doctor, staff, or medical facility responsible for the malpractice. The problem is knowing whether or not you have a case. Medical malpractice cases can be more challenging than other branches of personal injury law, but you may still be able to win your case. Before you seek advice from an attorney, you may want to learn about three main challenges faced with medical malpractice cases. Read More»

What Does A Notice Of An Adversary Proceeding Mean For Your Bankruptcy?

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Everything seemed to be going fine with your bankruptcy until you received a notice that there was an adversary proceeding against you. What does this mean? Will it stop your bankruptcy from proceeding altogether? Who filed the adversary proceeding? Adversary proceedings are lawsuits related to your bankruptcy, but separate. Anyone involved in the bankruptcy can file an adversary proceeding, even you. However, since the adversary proceeding was filed against you, it is either one of your creditors or the bankruptcy trustee that’s filed it. Read More»

How To Avoid Utility Shutoffs With Bankruptcy

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If you have concerns about paying your utility bills on time, you likely wonder how you could stop a possible shutoff. Since utilities count as unsecured debts, you are allowed to list them on a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which allows you to dismiss unsecured debts by selling assets through a trustee. Depending on where you live, utilities commonly include water, gas, power, and sewage. Here are some tips for using bankruptcy to avoid utility shutoffs. Read More»

How Your Partner May Abuse A Restraining Order Against You

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A restraining order is useful in keeping an abusive and violent person away from his or her potential victim. However, just like other legal provisions, there is potential for its abuse. Therefore, if your partner (or any other person) is seeking a restraining order against you, then you should be on the lookout for its abuse. Here are three ways in which a person may abuse a restraining order: Using False Information to Get the Order Read More»

Is It Possible To Expedite The Disability Claims Review Process?

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According to the Social Security Administration, it can take three to five months for the agency to review your application for disability benefits and make a decision. Unfortunately, if you are not working or in serious need of medical assistance, those months can seem too long. Regardless of whether this is your first time applying or you are appealing a denial, there are steps you can take to reduce the wait time. Read More»

A Few Simple Things That Can Affect Your Settlement In A Personal Injury Lawsuit

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When you have been injured in any type of accident, there are a few simple things you may do or not do that will have an effect on how much money you will receive. While you do not want to seem greedy, you should not have your settlement reduced because of a simple mistake you made that had nothing to do with the injuries you received. Failure to Hire a Personal Injury Law Firm Read More»

Pleading Insanity: Why Mental Illness Isn't Enough And How Insanity Is Proven

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While the insanity defense may be one of the better known defense tactics used during criminal trials, it also one of the least common and least successful. It is a rare tactic, because there is much confusion around what it means to be criminally insane, and whether mental illness would qualify as a valid excuse. Why Mental Illness Isn’t Enough If the defendant of a criminal trial has struggled their whole life with a diagnosable mental illness, it may seem obvious that their mental illness contributed to their crime, but that’s not always true. Read More»

Personal Injury Law: 5 Helpful Tips For Filing A Slip And Fall Lawsuit

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If you have slipped and fallen at a store or at work and you are severely injured, you might be able to file a lawsuit. Even if your injuries are not severe, you might still be able to receive medical or monetary compensation for your suffering. Although slip and fall cases are difficult, you can still file and win. Here are five tips to help get you started: 1. Inform the Owner Read More»

So, You Have Skin Cancer...Is Workers' Compensation A Possibility?

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Some people tend to think that working outdoors can be healthier than working indoors. After all, you are getting exercise and fresh air when you’re working outside. Inside, you may be enjoying the cool or warm air depending on the season, but you are likely sitting in a chair all day and staring blankly at a computer. However, working outdoors, especially for an extended period of time, can be dangerous. One of the common things that workers endure is skin cancer. Read More»